Friday, November 14, 2008

November 14th. . .
Well, here it is almost Saturday but i'm going to do this post before tomorrow! I keep cutting it a bit close, but so far i'm keeping my commitment!

1. America
I feel very blessed to live in this country. I know there are lots of frustrations about the election results but I am trying to focus on the fact that God is ultimately the one in control. Showing respect for our nation's leaders is a command of God and it is important to remember to pray for our President elect. While this country is straying far from it's roots, it is still a great land and I am proud to be an American!

2. My sister Megan
She is an amazing person! Megan constantly amazes me with her patience and godly character. She is truly one of the most beautiful people i know, and when i look at her i see someone i want to be. I love you, Meg!

3. Airplanes
Obviously, I am thankful for these because that is how i'm getting to Europe!! I love to travel and it is made so much easier by the invention of the Wright brothers. I could certainly fly a lot more than i get too!


Caleb said...

Boy, Kristi. Just barely making the posts in time!!! :)

Miss Kris said...

I know!! I keep forgetting to post until almost midnight! ;-)